IMPORTANT NOTICE❗Fraudsters are at work!

Do not open messages sent from the address - the only difference is in one letter.

We want to alert you to malicious emails circulating online that appear to be official messages from the company SETCCE at first glance. In these fake email messages, the senders impersonate the company SETCCE and use the email address:, where the deception lies (please note that instead of the letter "i," they use a lowercase "L" - The messages contain attachments that contain malicious software.

We warn you that this is an obvious attempt at fraud and misuse of our name. The sender's information is forged, so the messages were not sent from the mail server. To protect yourself from potential harm, please promptly delete such email messages. Also, do not open any links or attachments included in these messages.

If you have already opened such a message and attachment, please contact the national cyber security response center SI-CERT ( as soon as possible, and they will assist you in removing any potentially harmful code.

Please also inform your colleagues and business partners about this.

Although online fraudsters never rest, at SETCCE, we will always do everything to prevent such abuses and secure our customers.

Thank you for your understanding, and stay safe!

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