Additional Terms and Conditions of Use of the BetrSign® Portal

1.    Introductory provisions

Additional Terms and Conditions of Use for BetrSign® Portal (hereinafter the “Additional T&Cs”) are an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions of Use for BetrSign® Customers (hereinafter the General T&Cs) and supplement the provisions of the General T&Cs. 

The BetrSign® Portal is a web application which provides comprehensive IT support to the process of digital transaction management by enabling the preparation of documents to be signed and signature workflow, the management of the steps of the signing process, notification of next signee in line for signature, remote signing and signing via BetrSign® POS and the distribution of completed signature documents. 

The BetrSign® Portal is connected to the BetrSign® eID Service for the purposes of authentication. The BetrSign® eID Service enables the creation and management of electronic identities and the authentication of users for access to the BetrSign® Portal and for the purposes of digital transaction confirmation.

2.    Service provision

2.1.    Registration

Requirements to use the BetrSign® Portal shall include Customer registration and the identification of the Customer’s authorised users that will be using the BetrSign® Portal. In the course of registration, the Customer shall supply the Provider with the required Customer data and the data on authorised users of the BetrSign® Portal. After registration and payment are completed, the Customer’s authorised users shall obtain an BetrSign® eID electronic identity that will allow them to access the BetrSign® Portal. Authorised users shall have to confirm their data when first logging in to BetrSign® eID, change the password and confirm their agreement with the General Terms and Conditions of Use for BetrSign® eID and any applicable amendments thereto.

2.2.    Login

Login to BetrSign® Portal shall take place via the BetrSign® eID Service in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of Use for BetrSign® eID. To log in, the user shall enter the login data according to the required login strength. The required login data may include: an email address, password, one-time password received by the user in a text message, or a qualified digital certificate.

3.    Free trial or trial period

The trial period is a predetermined limited-time period, the purpose of which is to allow a prospective Customer to test whether the BetrSign® Portal meets its electronic signature requirements and needs.

Not all functionalities of the BetrSign® Portal may be available to the users during the trial period. Furthermore, the Provider does not guarantee that it shall provide the free trial for the full predetermined trial period.

During the trial period, the Provider may limit the number of the authorised users to the potential Customer.

When the free period or trial period expires or earlier, the Provider may enable the Customer to continue using the BetrSign® Portal if, for example, the Customer takes out a subscription plan with the Provider, or if otherwise agreed. In this case the Provider shall keep the Customer’s data and settings which the latter had indicated in the trial period.

Should the Customer choose not to take out a subscription plan after the trial period has expired, the Provider shall disable the use of the BetrSign® Portal for the Customer’s authorised users and the Provider shall have the right to erase the Customer’s personal data. The Provider shall erase the Customer’s personal data as set out in the General Terms and Conditions of Use for BetrSign® eID.

The free period or trial period for Services and software shall not be subject to any explicit or implicit guarantees, and all Services and software shall be made available as is. No technical or other support shall be included in the free period or trial period. The Provider may at its own discretion limit the use or end the free period or trial period without prior notice and without any liability to the user.

The Provider may superimpose any protection seal (e.g. watermark in the signature mark) on signed documents generated during the free trial.

4.    Payment terms, prices and method of service billing

4.1.    Subscription 

The price, functionalities, and options of the BetrSign® Portal depend on the selected subscription plan or the changes demanded by the Customer. The Provider does not guarantee to provide a specific subscription plan for an indefinite period of time. The Provider reserves the right to change its prices or modify functionalities within a particular subscription plan without prior notice.

4.2.    Subscription plan

A subscription plan entails the right to use the BetrSign® portal and software for a particular period against payment. In accordance with these General T&Cs the Customer shall obtain an account and register its authorised users who have access to the Service. The right to use the BetrSign® Portal is limited to specific authorised users of the Customer and the signees determined by the Customer’s authorised users.

By accepting the General T&Cs the Customer shall agree not to resell or otherwise provide the BetrSign® Portal to unauthorised or third persons.

Subscription plans may vary from each other by the functionalities of the BetrSign® Portal made available and/or by the number and size of available transactions. The details, prices and list of current and valid subscription plans are given on the official website of the BetrSign® Portal Provider. The methods and types of signing which are available to the user depend on the selected subscription plan.

4.3.    Prices

The applicable prices are always published on the Provider’s website. Should the Customer wish to terminate the contractual relationship, it may submit a claim on the dedicated web page before the end of the billing cycle to terminate its subscription for the use of the BetrSign® Portal for the next billing cycle.

For a different method of billing the Provider and Customer shall sign a separate BetrSign® Service Level Agreement (hereinafter the “SLA”). In such a case the SLA provisions shall prevail over the provisions of these General T&Cs. 

4.4.    Billing

The Customer undertakes to pay all the subscription plan fees associated with the BetrSign® Portal on time. The Customer shall be charged the fees for the selected subscription plans in advance. The Customer may select yearly or monthly billing of subscription plans, or another billing period specified in the valid price list on the Provider’s website.

The subscription plan fees paid by the Customer are non-refundable except when otherwise agreed by the Customer and Provider with a formal written agreement or if otherwise stipulated in these General T&Cs.

Upon paying for the Service, the Customer shall receive a confirmation email at its email address. The Provider shall issue the Customer with an invoice for the use of the BetrSign® Portal. Upon making the payment, the Customer shall receive the access details for the BetrSign® Portal immediately or no later than in three (3) business days. 

Subscription payments shall be processed directly via the Stripe payment platform in accordance with the general terms and conditions published on the Stripe payment platform Provider’s official website. In no case shall the Provider store the Customer’s bank details (bank account number, CSV etc.). When the (monthly, yearly) plan ends, the subscription fee shall be billed automatically for the following billing period unless the subscription is terminated by the Customer beforehand. The Stripe payment service processes payments automatically on a monthly or yearly basis.

In the event of late payment, the Provider shall be entitled to charge the statutory interest on late payment and may terminate the provision of Services to the Customer.

4.5.    Change of subscription plan

The Customer may change the subscription plan on the dedicated portal by changing (adding or increasing) the number of users and changing to a different plan (e.g. personal, business, premium).

If the value of the subscription plan increases due to the change of subscription plan or users, the Provider shall charge the proportional balance by the end of the billing period. The settings shall take effect immediately.

If the value of the subscription plan decreases due to the change of subscription plan or users, the Provider reserves the right not to refund the balance in purchase value. The settings shall take effect immediately.

5.    Temporary or permanent termination of Service provision

Subscription to a subscription plan shall terminate:

  • as soon as the term for which the subscription plan was concluded has ended;
  • as soon as the Customer terminates its subscription plan for a trial test or at the moment the free trial terminates;
  • within 23 hours of failure to process payment in the course of automatic subscription renewal.  

The Provider reserves the right to charge the Customer a reconnection fee equal to the amount of the full monthly/yearly plan. The Customer shall not be entitled to reimbursement for any damage caused by the temporary termination of service provision. The Customer may permanently delete its account, in which case all data associated with the Customer shall be erased automatically. 

