Electronic inbound invoicing service

Incoming e-invoices service

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Cloud based service for recieving e-invoices

Electronic invoices are received through various channels (e-mail, messaging system, etc.) and in various formats. Automatic e-invoicing validation, verification and data processing is required for (semi-)automated granting process. Received e-invoices are preserved by trusted archive service for required retention period.

How it works

Arrow 1

Receive e-invoice through one or more selected channels (e.g. e-mail or messaging system).

Arrow 2

Check e-invoice structure, validate data fields and verify invoice e-signature.

Arrow 3

Extract data from e-invoice for granting and booking/accounting purposes.

Arrow 4

Perform granting and booking process.


Archive e-invoice.


Unified interface for automated e-invoices receiving process
Unified interface for automated e-invoices receiving process
Support for various distribution channels
Support for various distribution channels
Support for various e-invoice formats
Support for various e-invoice formats
E-invoice data structure validation and e-signature verification
E-invoice data structure validation and e-signature verification
E-invoice data extraction for granting and booking processes
E-invoice data extraction for granting and booking processes
Trusted archive service integration
Trusted archive service integration
Electronic inbound invoicing service


  • Open service (different distribution channels and e-inovices formats support
  • Fully automated e-inovices receiving process
  • Integrity and authenticity verification
  • Workload automatization with data extraction and processing
  • Shorter invoice granting and booking/accounting processes
  • Inbound invoices processing error minimization
